Friday, March 6, 2015

The Glowing Cloud Art Show

A "child" is in all senses "good." Most of us are lucky enough to feel what a child can do for us in our lives. Most of us are so lucky to have more than one child, or numerous children, affect our lives positively.
When Nala came into my life, I was so caught up in learning how to take care of her the right way and nourish her in every way that I hadn't realized what she had actually done for me. As she's been growing (very quickly) in the last 2 1/2 years, I've come to understand what it is to be a "parent." A parent always worries... We grow up being worried about until we become parents and see how it actually feels to be the worrier. The feelings that we come across when our child is sick or gets a splinter comes naturally. We have no way of changing the way we react to certain situations. If you're a parent, then you're probably nodding your head. Personally, I don't think I ever stood up for myself until Nala came into the picture. She makes me a stronger woman and individual. She makes me want to be physically and mentally healthy for her. She, as a child, my child, has brought me, not a reason to live, but a reason to be better in all aspects of life.
The reason for this post today is because of children all over the world tonight... Young children, older children, sick and healthy children, poor and rich children, loved and abandoned children, green and yellow children, black, brown, and white children, and children with Autism... Being a parent and feeling what it feels to see my child fall or get sick, it is impossible for me to comprehend the strength such parents have when dealing with Autism or other special attentive needs their children might have. It is of utmost pleasure to be displaying the artworks of these artists who have worked so hard to provide us with their expressed talents. Pacific Child & Family Associates provides services for those who are affected by Autism and they have brought us The Glowing Cloud Art Show, which will be opening on March 7th, 2015, tomorrow evening, from 5-7PM at Modest Fly Art Studio Gallery. The proceeds will be donated to Autism Speaks for charity. Please join us and show your support to these exceptional artists and their wonderful parents!