Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 149: Footprints in the sand

Today was a longer day than yesterday... I visited the beach early in the day... it was so nice being there...
Sometimes, I wonder why we visit the beach so rarely when it's just a few miles away... it's the most peaceful place to go when peace is needed.
Ever since I was little, footprints in the sand have amazed me... it's magical how we leave our print and watch the water clear it away. It's kind of like we were never really there to begin with...

Tip of the Day: Visit the beach and leave your footprint in the sand...

“Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.”--Anonymous

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 148: Happy Birthday Armen!

It's been a long day... a long birthday! Today, it was Armen's 30th Birthday! From what I understand, he's not a daily reader... he just peeks in from time to time. So, considering that he's probably not going to read this, I'd like to say Happy Birthday Arm... I'm so happy to be here with you as you turn 30, and, I wish I'm right by you as you turn, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and, maybe, even 100, if I'm able to function through all my wrinkles by then. I have been present at your birthdays for the past 10 years, and, I can't remember being happier watching someone else blow out their candles... you make my life worthwhile, and, you're the only one who can make me smile when it seems impossible. I wish you 1000 years more of your life, not for you, but for me... so that you can be next to me as long as I'm here,because when you're here, I'm at my best.
I didn't get him a present... there's nothing I can give him that he doesn't already have, but, if you stick around for a couple of days, I will be revealing something special... something worth the 30 year wait...

Tip of the Day: Birthdays are special... they're the one day out of the year that signify you as an individual... it's your day, and, hopefully, no one else's around you. Celebrate it, but, most importantly, make a wish...

"Everday is my birthday..." - Armen Ghadimian

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 147: It's all in your head...

I haven't been myself lately... my mind has been a bit occupied with the things in my life that I'm not so fond of...
I'm going to go off subject and tell you a bit about my personal life... Armen and I were friends before we ever decided to be together, which I think I've already mentioned, but it wasn't a certain moment that made me realize I wanted to spend my life with him... as time went by, I realized he was different and special. He was in the Marine Corp. when we started dating, and right after 9/11, he was going to be sent out with his group... the whole family was scared and nervous around those times. One day, we drove out to Barstow to the main Marine Corp. offices. We got there, as he went into the office and left me in the car waiting. A few minutes later, he came out with a form in his hand, and asked me if I wanted him to be officially discharged... I thought about it for a second and answered, "I would want you to, but I don't wanna make you do something you might regret later... so, if you're not gonna blame me for this in the future, I'd like you to be around all the time..." He didn't say another word, as he went back inside, signed the forms, and came back with his identification and paper work. I was excited he was officially, honorably, discharged, but I was worried about what he wanted... but, I guess, he had gone ahead and changed his mind about what he wanted in life...
Besides, those certain unselfish moments of his, one of his sayings is: "It's all in your head..." If I bring up anything about anything that's bothering me about a certain situation, or feeling, I already know that's going to be his answer. It's five small words... but it is so true. We control everything with our minds... our feelings, thoughts, actions... our mind is what we are and what we will become.
I've learned about the power of my mind from him, and, so much more... that I can post about some other day... but, those are some of the reasons why I let him slide that ring on my finger...

Tip of the Day: Take control of your mind, and, you'll see how much more control you'll have over your life.
“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.” - Adrine Amiri (Facebook post)
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
by Maya Angelou

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 146: I'm just being honest

I've been rude to the family lately... and, my excuse is: "I'm just being honest!" I haven't been insulting them, but, I've been honest about certain situations in a brutal way...
Today, as we sat down in the backyard to have some burgers that my dad had grilled, and, as I bit into my burger, I decided to let him know that his patties were like rock... I said, "Dad, please leave the burgers to Armen... you take care of the Armenian barbeque and he'll do the burgers... it seems you haven't had enough practice with beef patties..." As I said this, with no control over myself, my sister looked at me and said, "I don't think you should talk anymore today!" I replied, "I'm just bein honest!" And, she replied, "Well, you can't say whatever you want and then say I'm just being honest!"
We always teach children to be honest, but, how honest should honest be?
It's good to be honest, but only if it's done the right way. I'm going to stop being so brutally honest and start being more respectably honest... I hope I didn't hurt his feelings...
Tip of the Day: Make sure you're being honest, especially with the people you care most about, but, being brutally honest can be hurtful... and, I hope, none of us have any intentions of hurting another person.

Day 145: Disappointed

I've been trying to think of what I should write about today... but, I can't seem to concentrate because I'm feeling a bit disappointed... Tonight was the closing reception to the photography show at the gallery. We had our opening last month and decided to have a closing show for those people who weren't able to show up to the opening... well, I got the place ready, set up wine, home baked chocolate cupcakes, red vines, candles, music... and began to light the candles as I waited for some people to show up and appreciate the art. Justine, the Photograher, showed up with her boyfriend and mom. An hour later, my sister showed up to refill the cupcakes, which didn't need refilling, then, a guy named Fred showed up. We sat there, conversated about, almost, everything, and waited...
Well, no one else showed up, so Fred got a free bottle of Merlot to take home and my sincere thanks. He seemed pretty happy about being there...
So, the show is closed now and her work will be taken down this week. Even though we didn't have a good turn out, I'm glad we were there because atleast we tried... which is the best kind of failure. I wouln't call tonight an overall failure, but I am disappointed...
I chose to share with you guys, so, I'm going to share the bad news with the good... not everything turns out the way I want it to all the time. Every moment is not a Prada moment and sharing my bad experiences are much more interesting, I think.
Owning and running a gallery is a lot of time consuming work... and, today, I realized how hard it can be to, actually, get people to get up, get dressed, and drive up to an art gallery to see art. It's a difficult responsibility for me, but, I don't regret it for a second. I have to take the good with the bad, so, tonight, it was tough, but, next time, it'll be better...
Tip of the Day: When things don't turn out the way you imagine, keep your head up and be happy that, atleast, you tried...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 144: Heal the World

I was parking the car today on Central Avenue, (where I got a parking ticket 15 minutes later...) listening to 102.7... and, Heal the World by Michael Jackson came on... I just sat there... until it was over. It's the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death... it's already been a year!
As I sat there listening, I thought of his death, on this day, last year, and, thought about how one person dies and another is born on the same day. It's the 25th Birthday of a good friend of mine, today, also, so, that's what triggered those thoughts. The reason for death doesn't go unanswered when someone new is born. It means that they're just making room for someone else... sharing the space. It all works in healing the world, I guess...
Tip of the Day: Always put change in the parking meter... even if you're going to take a minute. I'm just kidding... well, that too... but, the real tip of the day is... pay your respects when someone dies and is born... it's the cycle of life and, trust me, you want to participate.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 143: I'd Call You

This morning, my sister said to me, "If the world was coming to an end, I'd call you!" I'd say she's a bit crazy about me, at times... she's very affectionate... hugs and kisses me all the time... which I don't usually do... So, this morning was very usual, as she hugged me and said that... but, then, I thought about what she said throughout the day, and, because it's usual, I hadn't realized what she was actually saying... She said that if the world was to stop, come to and end, and that's it, life is over, she'd call me...
After she said that, I asked, "Why? What would you say?" and she replied, "Bye..." So, as I thought about this, very usual, conversation we had throughout the day, I realized that I am her person... and that's such an honor for me.
This week is sister's week, atleast, according to Facebook, so, I'd like to dedicate this post to all the sisters everywhere and anywhere. From personal experience, there is nothing better than another woman friend, that is your blood, and, can never turn her back on you, no matter what. It's one of the most amazing things I have in my life and my most priceless possession.

Tip of the Day: Everybody has their own way of showing their love, so, if you're not the hugging, kissing type, make sure you're doing something to show how much you care for your sister.
"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. " Amy Li

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 142: Bubble Bath

I've been putting this off today... I don't know why? I just haven't been in the mood for anything, really, today. It's been a productive day, but to myself... I can sense the feeling of wanting time for myself coming on... so, I'm going to cure myself with a bubble bath and spend some time with myeslf, so that, tomorrow, I can be a better Iren for the people around me...

Tip of the Day: Have personal time with yourself when you feel the need for a vacation. If it's a bubble bath, massage, watching a movie alone, etc. Give yourself some attention and you'll feel better and be better.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 141: Miss you

No note today... I'm kind of sad there was no note... I feel like Flora gave up...
I did get a comment on yesterday's post suggesting that I write a note to Flora... I think I might take up that suggestion, but, I don't know if I should say I'm Bernie... I don't want to be Bernie... I'll just tell Flora that Bernie doesn't live here anymore... she should know the truth...
I got a typed note today on my Facebook wall saying: "I thought of you today and it made me feel sad that I haven't seen you in forever. Please help me become happy again. Ok thanks!"
To the person who was sweet enough to take the time to think of me and let me know... it made my day; A long day full of store purchases and driving around Los Angeles, it was exactly what I needed... What really did it was the word "sad..." it makes all the difference... thank you!

Tip of the Day: With the technology we have today, it doesn't take much to let someone know you miss them... you don't even have to call them up anymore. Let that someone know you miss them... just because you do... and it might make their day.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 140: Dear Bernie

I've been receiving notes from a stranger for the past two days... but, it's for Bernie. The first one reads:

Dear Bernie, Hi Remember me, Flora, the Queen of Venice. I moved up to Tujunga, CA. I lived at this place now, call me soon. Maybe we can get to get together tonight - Friday for sure would be nice to see you.

The second one reads:

I been living up here for 3 week and I saw your picture in the window so, I thought it would be nice to see you again you probably need a massage! Ha hal I know I do! Love Ali, Flora (then, there's a drawing of a rose)

The third one is on a page out of a coloring book (shown above) it reads:

Bernie, this is for you. I'm going to the parking a round lived come in pick me up then Flora. Love, Flora (with scribbles on the side)

So, things are getting pretty interesting here at the gallery... even though these notes are for Bernie, it's nice to get them, in a weird way.

Tip of the Day: Write a handwritten note to someone... there's nothing more personal than a handwritten note, even if it's to a stranger.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 139: Happy Father's Day!

I am so tired right now that it's hard to type... long day, active day, loud day, happy day, meaningful day, and, most importantly, daddio day!
Happy Father's Day to everyone who is a father, everyone who will become a father, and everyone's fathers...
I wrote about my dad in Day 59, so, if you missed it, it was one of my good ones, I think. I talked about looking like, impressing him, and how special he is, but, I also mentioned fathers and how important they are in a family.
Yesterday, I read somewhere: "A father is a banker provided by nature." It's not just that fathers are here to provide us with money... they're the strong souls that are needed in a house. They balance out any, or all, the imbalance women create, and they make disasters seem less disastrous. Men, overall, make us feel safe in such a big world. They bring stability and strength to the unstable and weak. They are calm and, most of the time, focused on what's important. Women would be able to have children, these days, even without a man, but, they wouldn't be able to provide a child with the kind of safety a father would provide... and, a man, wouldn't be able to have a baby at all, so, women are crucial and can't be gotten rid of... We are made to come together to create unity and balance... one would not work without the other.
Today, I said to Armen, "You would be a good dad... you would be a great dad... you would be a perfect dad!" He looked confused and thought I was talking crazy, but I know he got it... Having that feeling of trust towards a man... trusting him to teach your children, raise your children, discipline your children, and, especially, keep them safe is the kind of feeling a wife should have towards a husband. That's what safety feels like... and, that feeling is priceless, once you find it...

Tip of the Day: Let your husband, dad, grandpa, etc. know what a good dad they are or would be... all you have to do is tell them and it'll mean the world to them, even if they look confused.

Day 138: Rice Krispies

I'm home now... just like to say Congratulations to the couple... it was a great night!
Getting ready and leaving the house wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be, but, my parents did get into an argument and I did forget my engagement ring at home... it could have been worse, I think. Before getting ready tonight, I made some Rice Krispie treats, which, if you don't know me, is my specialty. My Rice Krispies are pretty special, if I may say so myself... So, I was cutting some into squares and my grandmother (the one without the large short-term memory capacity) was here, at our house, because she was supposed to go to the wedding with us. As I sliced the flat sheet of Rice Krispies, she asked, (in Armenian) "Who makes that?... How do they make that?... Where do you buy it from?" I answered, "I make it... it's cereal and sugar mixed in together..." She said, "Oh... ok... what is it for?" I answered, "It's for an event I have to go to..." then, she said, "oh, you're going to an event? With your sister? No one's going to be home then because we have a wedding to go to tonight..." and I just nodded my head without bothering to clear up her confusion in letting her know that we're all going to the wedding together... the Rice Krispies were for tomorrow. So... I continued to cut squares and set them up in a platter, as she asked, "How do you make these? What are they made from? Do you buy them like this?" I just took a deep breath and answered, "Yes, I make them... they're cereal and sugar..." then, she asked, "What are they for?" so, I answered, "...for an event I'm going to.." and she replied, "Oh, so you're going to an event too... no one's going to be home... we have a wedding tonight..."I continued to cut squares, as she asked, "What are these made out of? What people come up with? Did you make theses?" so... I just kept up with her for about six rounds, then, when I felt like it was getting out of hand, I said, "Grandma, do you know that you asked me the same question about 68 times in the last 10 minutes?" To my surprise, she answered, "So, I might want to ask you 100 times, it's a free country..." So, ya, you can imagine she's one of the special ones...
As I set up the last of the Rice Krispie squares, I thought about how I might have made her feel by pointing out her annoyance, and, I, kind of, felt bad about it... Luckily, she forgot about what I had told her a minute later and was asking me a whole set of different questions...

Tip of the Day: Be patient with people... don't react to a certain situation, so that you don't have to feel bad about it afterwards.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 138

Today's post will be here after midnight.. I can' t think straight right now because it's an Armenian household and we're trying to get ready for a wedding tonight... If' you're Armenian, you know exactly how that goes... there's always an argument right before leaving the house, and, someone always forgets something... so, it's 8:12 PM and we're still running around the house, so, I will be back to give you something good, unless I'm not sober enough to turn my computer on, but, most probably, I will be... so, wait for it...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 137: Congratulations!

Today is June 18th, 2010... mid-June... today, all the DMV's are closed. (just so you know...) I made a DMV appointment for today at 8:30 AM, drove to Van Nuys, in the morning, to realize that, today, all the DMV's are closed... Ya, tell me about it, but, I try to be responsible these days, which is not what I can say about my younger, school years.
June is a month for Birthdays, Graduations, Weddings, and, because of weddings, Anniversary's... so, it's a month of buying presents, writing in cards, having balloons in the car, and trying to make it to events on time.
Today, I have two events to attend... a goodbye party, and a Graduation...
Both events are taking place because of an individual who has achieved something for themselves and they need to be recognized for it, so, I would like to dedicate Day 137 to all the achievers of this month, and say, "Congratulations to you and your accomplishments!"
Graduations are a very awkward experience, I think. You go to school for years, spend hours in classes and hours reading, writing, and learning, (at least, for some of us) and, then, in one day, in 2 hours, that's it, you're done, and, now, you can go home and never come back... Now, you can do whatever you want... you are the one who decides what time to wake up, what to do with your free time, and where to go... so, honestly, from personal experience, graduating is overwhelming, most of the time.
I remember my sixth grade graduation the most because I had to make a speech... I remember exactly how I felt... and, when I was done, I was more proud of myself for finishing that speech without mumbling or falling off the podium, than graduating sixth grade, because I knew Middle School was next... but, when you graduate high school, or, better yet, college, that's a real big step to take, an overwhelming step.
In sixth grade, our teacher made us write a letter to ourselves telling ourselves where we'd think we'd be in twenty years... we put the letters in envelopes, and labeled it, "Do Not Open Until 2016!" I still have that letter, and I remember the day I wrote it, and, ever since 1996, I've been waiting for 2016 to open that thing... 6 more years to go...

Tip of the Day: Wherever you are in life, if you're leaving a job, graduating, getting married... it's, really, only the beginning of something else. You always have something else to look forward to, so, look forward to life and all its possibilities.

"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you."

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 136: You are so sexy...

First off, I'd like to thank the "2" anonymous commenters... it was the highlight of my day to read what you wrote... more of a highlight than the Lakers winning the Playoffs. So... thank you much!
Ya, so the Lakers won again... Congrats to them and their hard work! Maybe, next year, they can give someone else a chance to feel that accomplishment. Honestly, they're good, but they're a bit greedy with this winning thing... but, since I know nothing about basketball, (except for the couple of years of being in a basketball team when I was younger) I am not going to say anymore about them. The one thing I remember from being in a basketball team, is having the ball in my hand, as a 10 year old, and looking at my coach, while she screamed out, "What are you doing?" So... I don't think I was one of the good players in the team... I am going to say Congratulations to the Lakers, and, we are going to move on...
I got a compliment today... a type of compliment that was very out of place, and, kind of, inappropriate... I was trying to pay for the parking meter, dressed normally, as I always do, and a middle-aged man stood next to me, (business man looking, clean cut, non-pervert looking type) waiting to use the machine. As I reached in to get my receipt, I heard him say, "You are so sexy..." In that moment, I thought, "ok... I must be hearing things... he couldn't have just said that outloud? Should I ignore him? I don't think he said that..." So, I turned to him and said, "Excuse me?" with a confused look, I assume... so, he repeated his comment the same way I thought I had heard it, "You are so sexy... in an appropriate manner, of course..." So, I just said, "thank you" as I grabbed my receipt and walked off... I wasn't in Tujunga... I wasn't half dressed... and, I didn't even glance over at him, so... I thought, "Wow, what a comment!" I dont' think I've ever had anybody say that to me, like that, in my face, not even Armen, so, I have to say, it felt very nice, but, at the same time, very inappropriate.
Then, I attended another monthly artist meeting. I sat there listening to the women chatter again, as I heard one of the women say, "You look really stressed! Are you ok? I mean, you look really out of it!" I looked over at the woman she was saying that to and watched her face turn from a smile to a confused frown... I thought to myself, "Why the hell would you ever say that outloud? She doesn't look so stressed? Right?"

Tip of the Day: Being present at both of those situations, I realized that comments fly around between people all the time... good, inappropriate, bad, rude, etc. We have control over someone else's mood with our words, so, be nice, and try to be appropriate.

"Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise." Lord Chesterfield

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 135: The forgotten "Tip of the Day"

Ok, so I realized I forgot to post a tip today... well, here it is...
Tip of the Day: Don't be so hard on yourself if you forget something... it's not the end of the world. Just try to make up for what you forgot.
No... I'm just kidding, but, seriously, the tip for today would be: Thank those people that appreciate your work... no matter what you do. Thank those that give you the most attention and let them know you care that they care.

Day 135: I born you, I learned you, and, now, I learn from you...

It's funny how, lately, people have been bringing up the situations I decide to write about in my posts...
The other day, my mom started an argument with me about inviting a drunk woman into the gallery... Yesterday, someone asked me, "Hey Iren, how are you? Keepin cool?" I assume that was due to the "melting in my chair" post the other day...
I don't blame them... I'm the one who decided, 135 days ago, to make my life public, so, it's all good, I get it...
Last night, while I was trying to post Day 134, my mom kept asking me questions... I wasn't able to concentrate on what she was saying, so, I said, "Mom, please, I can't pay attention right now... please..." Then, to my surprise, she said, in an excited tone, "Oh, you're posting, ok... sorry. Go ahead and post so I can read it. I can't wait to read your blog everyday! You say good things. I took your advice and walked tall the other day, with my head up, and it worked! You're great, you know? I born you, I learned you, and, now, I learn from you..." After she was done, I looked up at her from the computer screen, and couldn't help but laugh at her last few words... but, to be honest, it was really nice to hear all that.
I know most of you guys read this thing on your phones, so, it's not worth going through the trouble of commenting, but, if you're using a computer, and you have anything to say, try commenting anonymously and it should work without logging in... I'd love to hear what you guys think. I know I said, before, that I do this for myself, but, as much as we try to deny it to ourselves, we do care about what other people think... I'd love to know what you think... think about it, even if you have something negative to say, it's anonymous, and it might make things more interesting here in "Irenland." Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 134: Dame Chocolate

Today was the 6th Lakers game... instead of watching it at home with the Lakers crazed family, I went to my grandparents house to watch a Spanish soap opera translated into Armenian called "Dame Chocolate." I showed up there just to pay them a visit and eat something. I sat down and got myself some bread and cheese... my grandmother (not the one with Alzheimer's... my dad's mom) began to talk (which she does so much of...) about random things. Usually when she begins to talk, I, kind of, tune her out and nod my head from time to time, but not in a mean way. I'm pretty good at keeping up with my nods... my grandfather, on the other hand, hardly says anything. He only speaks when he has to let my grandma know she's talking too much... so, as I ate my bread and cheese, a Spanish soap opera came on... that's when I thought, "Shit, I should get outta here before she starts explaining what's going on in everybody's life..." but, I couldn't just get up to leave, and, guess what happened next... ya, she started explaining all of it, from beginning to current events... who was in love with who, who was a dirty man, who was a good looking man, who was a liar, and everything else that usually goes on in soap operas. I just sat there nodding my head and raising my eyebrows once in a while for expression variations... she talked, and talked, and talked, and... talked...

My grandparents get extremely excited when I, or any of the other grandkids, visit them... so, I try to make it frequent, but short. I notice their happiness when we walk in the door and their happiness is worth my ears burning out for a couple of hours.

After I finished eating, and, as soon as I felt like I was going to knock out on the couch, I got up to leave. Like always, they tried to convince me to stay, but the Armenian translation and Spanish background speaking was making me crazy. As I got up to wear my shoes, my grandfather said, very seriously, (in Armenian, of course) "Ok, so come by sooner, don't come once a year... (he would've said that even if I had been there yesterday) so, here's our schedule, just so you know... Mondays, we're home, Tuesdays, we're home, Wednesdays, we're home, Thursdays, we're home after 2pm because we go to Daylight (mankapartez), Fridays, we're home, Saturdays, we're home, and, Sundays, we're always home, unless we're somewhere else..." After he was done, I just looked at him in amazement, and said, "Ok, I'll come by... I promise... bye, bye" as I kissed them both...

Tip of the Day: If you have grandparents, enjoy their company once in a while, and, sometimes, listen to what they have to say... even if they talk too much... they can be very interesting at their age.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 133: Dance it off

I've had a long day, but it was a good day, except for the sauna I was sitting in for 7 hours...

The air conditioning at the gallery is controlled by the neighbor, so, my physical well being, in the Summertime, depends on the almighty kitchen cabinet man. For a second, today, I thought I was going to melt in my chair... I had cleaned off any makeup I showed up with in the morning, and, had taken off any layered clothing I had, and I was barefoot, but, still, it was hell sitting there... and... I didn't have a car to go anywhere else. So, I just sat there, trying to take my mind off the sweat coming down by neck, and tried to concentrate on what I was doing. As you can imagine, I was so happy to be home and have control over the air conditioning. As soon as I got home, I changed my clothes, switched the A/C on, and thought about how amazing the invention of an A/C is...

After the 7 hour sauna, I've felt a bit weak for the rest of the day... and, kind of, pissed off. So... I've had an Ipod on my ears for the past 2 hours listening to upbeat music... as soon as I noticed I was being unpleasant to the family, I put my headset on and walked off to the other room. I closed the door behind me, and... danced. I danced it all off and, now, I'm tired as hell and need to get some rest...

Tip of the Day: When you feel overwhelmed, annoyed, unpleasant, etc. just... dance it off! It's amazing what a bit of music and energy can do for you on the inside.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 132: PRADA moment

So... ironically... I received presents today...

Everytime Armen goes out of town for a few days, he comes back with some kind of present for me... and, that's a habit I, honestly, don't want to break. So, he came home today, after 3 days, and got home just in time for breakfast. Him and my dad had gone out of town together for business, and they were eager to get home after spending the night in the airport. Since their flight had been early in the morning (and my dad being the cheapskate he normally is) had convinced Armen to stay overnight at the airport. So, they got home. looking tired. as they walked in together. We sat down to have some breakfast, after welcoming them home, and, Armen started telling us about their night at the airport and what a disaster it had been... he talked about how my dad had his Ipad beside him the whole night playing Armenian music throughout the terminal. We all laughed while we listened to their stories and continued to eat our breakfast when Armen said to me, "You wanna see what I got for your gallery? Go get my bag... and I'll show you..." So, obviously, I got up quickly to get his bag and brought it to him... He pulled out a firefly decoration kit for the gallery as I smiled and thought of what I would do with it... then, he said, "There's something else for you... but... you have to use it... Are you gonna use it?" I looked at him and looked confused, but said, "Ya, I'll use it! What is it?" looking inside his bag for a clue... then, he pulled out a daily sketch journal and said, "You have to sketch one thing a day... maybe you could sketch it with your blog post everyday..." I replied, "but, I'm already on Day one hundred thirty something... it's okay I'll do it... " as I smiled and flipped through the pages. So, we sat there for another minute as I admired my gifts... then, he said, "Ok, so if you promise to use this journal, you have another gift waiting for you in the backseat of your dad's car..." I just looked at him wondering if he was joking or not... then, he said, "Are you gonna use it?" I quickly replied, "Yes, of course I'm gonna use it!" as I smiled and got up to go get my dad's car key... "Ok, go get it, but don't look inside until you come back in the house!" he said. So, I ran outside and got to my dad's car wondering what this was going to be... I looked in the back window and saw a Neiman Marcus bag on the seat... I opened the door, pulled it out, ran back to the house, and started opening the package inside the bag... as I pulled out a creme colored PRADA bag I thought to myself "Why does he do this all the time? How am I ever going to top this?" So, as I smiled and admired my new bag I looked around at the breakfast table and realized everyone was watching me... and, everyone was happy...then... I thought, "What did I ever do to deserve all this?" I felt actual happiness, but it wasn't PRADA that did it... it was that PRADA moment...
Tip of the Day: Be aware of those moments that are priceless in life... don't let them go unnoticed.

Day 131: I love it... thanks!

I watched "Sex & the City"... I didn't have very high expectations to begin with, but it was a disappointment. "The Karate Kid," last night, was better... it had a bit more heart and morality.
Honestly, I'm all for the fashonable, "take care of yourself," independent woman, but this time... it was unnecessarily flashy and pointless. The best parts were the funniest, but the part that made my jaw drop was when Carrie wasn't happy with a present she received. She said, "Couldn't you have bought me some jewelry or something?" Right then, I thought, "What??? My gosh woman... get a life!" Being a receiver of gifts, from a man, I always try to make sure my face says I like it... even if I don't...
A few years ago, Armen and I were at his grandma's house and his grandma's girlfriend/neighbor was there having a cup of tea. She started a conversation with us and found out we were together, (not engaged yet) and she said something I always try to keep in mind... she said, "Always remember this one thing... no matter what a man buys you... always act like you love it, even if you don't... never, ever be disappointed at anything he buys you... always be grateful and you'll keep him happy." So, I nodded at what she said and smiled, back then, not thinking about how much sense it made... a couple of years passed, and I found out that she had passed away...
Well, she's gone now, but whenever I unwrap anything, I get my face ready for the grateful and enthusiastic look. There have been times that have been hard to smile, but, most of time, it has been really easy... but... no matter what the present, I've tried my best to let him know it was appreciated. If all the presents he ever bought me disappeared tomorrow morning, I'd be happy knowing he tried to make me smile with them. If it has been a car, ring, antique watch, or Milk Duds... they're just materials that make me happy temporarily. At the end, they mean nothing compared to what really makes me happy.

Tip of the Day: Practice your grateful and enthusiastic face for when you receive presents... be appreciative of the fact that you're receiving a gift and don't worry about what the gift actually is.

"Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 130: Imagine Your Future... Unrealistically

Sometimes, I wonder if my life is going to turn out the way I have it planned in my head... marriage, kids, house, work, family, etc... and then, I wonder what would happen if it doesn't turn out the way I plan... the future is a weird thing once you think about it... it doesn't exist yet, but, we picture it and think about it... Sometimes, we think of the everyday things, sometimes, we think of the small things, and, sometimes, it all seems surreal, but, the future can be an odd thing to think about once you really get a grasp on the idea. None of it exists, except, for this moment, right now.............. or............ this moment, and.......... now............. this moment... but, besides these moments, we really don't have anything else to work with. With nothing to work with, we imagine our wedding day, our house, our children, and most of these important things in life. The ability to imagine your future is such an extraordinary thing, but it's usually taken for granted... we need to use it to imagine the unrealistic things in life as well. We need to imagine the impossible and unattainable... that's what's going to help us become extraordinary individuals. Each and every one of us can be married, have children, and do almost all the things we imagine ourselves to do in the future, but, a few of us can actually imagine the impossible...

Tip of the Day: We all have hopes, goals, and dreams... try to take what you already have within you and think of the impossible. Once you think it, you'll dream it, and then, with a bit of hard work and effort, you'll achieve what you thought was impossible.

"What's the point in being realistic?... Edison wasn't realistic..." Will Smith

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 129: Good Night Downtown

I'm home now... I was at the Downtown L.A. Artwalk... which is so close and, yet, I had never driven down there to experience it... It was a big event with so many people that had attended just to walk around, drink alcohol , and enjoy the art. I met a few new people while I was there and I'm glad I got to meet them because meeting one of those few people got me into one of the galleries for next month's artwalk. I know, it's pretty exciting... and, it would have never happened if I hadn't approached her. I had received her information from a friend of mine and all I had to do was make contact and show up tonight. So, it all worked out for me and, at the same time, I exposed my self to a whole new community of artists and people. I had a good night and I hope you have a good night.

Tip of the Day: You have to take the step toward what you want... it'll hardly ever just fall into your lap, and, if it does, make sure you see your opportunity and take it.

"Most people overestimate other people's abilities and underestimate their own. Don't place others on a pedestal, while you view yourself as insignificant. You must always ask yourself, "Why not me? Why not now?" lessons from Will Smith

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 128: Be Thankful

So, as I sit here working on fun invitations for fun events, a drunk woman decides to walk into the gallery... I know, no one normal ever walks in here...
So, I watch her as she stands by the door for a while staring at the pictures on the walls, then, she stumbles forward and says, "I'm dyin..." Right then, I thought, "Shit...seriously... why can't someone normal walk in?" So, she stood there looking around for a while, looking dizzy... as I said, "Would you like to come in? You can come in... " with a slight hesitation in my voice... then, I thought, "Why the hell are you inviting her in?" So, I watched her stumble in towards my desk... there was some kind of odor in the air... then, I wished I hadn't invited her in...
She looked over at me, smiled, and said, "I jus foun out I ha cancew... twooo dayys ago..." while struggling with her tongue trying to get the words out... she looked like she was about to cry... then, she said, "My hus..ban... he na a goo man... na goo... so, I wen dwinkin..." by this point, I was pretty speechless... I just stared at her and said, "I'm sorry..." so, she looked around a bit more, asked me for a business card, and said, "ok... goo, I'm na feein so wewll... I shud gooo..." so she stumbled backwards out of the gallery and left her odor in here... I sat here thinking, "I should go out and get some air..." so, I did...

Tip of the Day: No matter what you feel about your own life, it could be worse... so, be thankful for what you've got.

Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.
-- Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Closing Reception of The Beauty of Progress

Modest Fly Art Gallery will be having a closing reception for "The Beauty of Progress" works by Justine Maccario. The show will be held on June 26th from 7pm-11pm. Justine's postcards will be for sale: pack of 6 postcards for $6.00 and there will be wine and snacks. Hope to see you guys there!

Day 127: Love you

"I love you"...

those words can mean so many different things to each one of us... they express so much of what we feel and, at the same, they're three small words...

I'm sure everyone has experience with loving someone and not being able to let them know... that can be the scary truth in some our lives, but it should never be denied. We, as individuals, can love in so many different ways, that, sometimes, we don't even understand... it's because the feeling of love can come in different shapes and sizes... we can love a certain person, want to spend every second with them, but, not be able to marry them forever... we can love another, cherish them, marry them, but not get butterflies for them... we can love from far, without even knowing someone personally, and, we can love in memory of someone... we are confused and complicated human beings... but, that's all the fun in being human.

Tip of the Day: If you love someone, make sure they know how you feel. You only live this life once and loving someone is not going to be your biggest regret in life. Even if they don't reply or react to it... and that's the worst that could happen... it's worth it, because then, we can go back to our faith.

"It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel."

Ani Kababchian's Facebook status, 06/07/10

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 126: Tommy's

I can still taste the onions from my Tommy's cheeseburger I had about two hours ago... I know, that's nasty! Sorry, that's my less lady-like side coming out.

Armen and I went to Tommy's and had chili, cheese, fries, burgers, chili cheese fries, and chili cheese burgers, and everything else that has chili and cheese on it... now, all I can think about are the onions in all of that. Usually, we don't eat out at fast food restaurants, but, once in a while, it's fun to splurge on bad food, especially while eating it at the restaurant. We got to Tommy's and ordered our food... the Hispanic lady at the register asked me what I wanted and I said, "I'll have a #2 without chili, cheese, and pickles." Then, Armen had to be funny and say, "Why don't you just go to McDonald's..." while chuckling. I just looked over at him and looked back at the lady at the counter and said, "and I'll have a diet coke with that, please..." with an annoyed look on my face. Then, he made a face about me ordering a burger and fries, with a "diet" coke, so... we sat down to eat and funniest thing happened... Tommy's got a pizza delivery from Pizza Hut... ya, it was a cool situation, but it got cooler when the employee started arguing with the delivery guy about him taking too long and that the pizza needed to be free. She kept saying, "9:40 p.m. , 9:40 p.m,... that's what is says on my phone... you're late, next time... it's free!" That was the topic of our conversation as I gobbled down all of Armen's chili cheese fries before he got to them... he finished his burger and was ready to eat his fries when he realized that only the plain fries were left over... and said, "Why did you order plain fries if you were gonna eat the chili and cheese ones?" as he laughed about it... I looked up at him with my mouth and fingers covered in chili and said, "oh... sorry, I was just trying them out..." and they were good...
Tip of the Day: Go out to eat bad, fattening food once in a while, especially late at night, when you get hungry... it's always fun to eat late... oh, and don't forget to get a "diet" soft drink...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 125: Have Faith

Faith... it's something we don't think about usually, but we all, hopefully, have some kind of it in us...
Faith doesn't have to be a religious thing... it doesn't have to consist of crosses and churches...I think life is all faith... we're born on a certain day, we're born to a certain family, we wake up at a certain time, we have certain talents, we love certain people, we lose certain people, and, in the end, we die at a certain time...
I've always thought of everything to be planned out for us. Being 25 years old, I've lived a quarter of my life (if I get to turn 100) and, up until now, I've come across certain situations in life that have made me realize why previous events have taken place. I have come across certain people in my life that have made me realize why I've met others in the past. Life is a series of events that we don't understand until some other event occurs to help us realize why these events even took place at all. Maybe, in the end, we'll understand all of it... and, maybe, we won't... but, most of my questions have been answered by now... there's just a few that I'm willing to wait on...
I've always enjoyed those movies that go back and forth in time, resulting in different outcomes and changing situations around. It has always been so interesting to watch how a second in the day can change your whole experience of your day. There are always small things that happen to us during the day, that we don't even pay the slightest attention to, that make a big difference. If it's meeting someone new or fogetting to put on your favorite earrings, it makes a big difference.
Tip of the Day: Don't try to wonder why certain things happen in your life, if it happens to you, or if you make those decisions to make them happen, just be patient... it'll make sense one day... you'll see...

"Faith is believing in something... it's never too late to understand what's important in life, and fight for it." (Premonition, the movie)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 124: What you think?

I have an event to go to tonight... I didn't have any shoes to wear with my dress, so, today, of course last minute, I had to drop by the mall in a hurry and look for the perfect shoes to wear with very unordinary dress. So, as you may already guess, I was driving crazy through traffic and walking fast through the Saturday crowd at the mall. It was such a hectic situation...
Macy's was having a Clearance on shoes, which always attracts a crowd... as I moved past people expressing my "sorry's" and "excuse me's" I, finally, found something that would look halfway decent... so, here what I do next... I ask for my size, wear them, stare at them in the mirror for a while, then, take a picture of my feet, and text it to someone who can give me a second opinion... (which is usually my sister) then, I sit there, and wait for her reply, as the employee keeps walking back and forth wondering why the hell I'm taking so long deciding if I like them or not... so, then, usually she answers "YES!," but, like today, sometimes, she doesn't get the picture text, so I have to send it again while talking to her over the phone... see, how retarded the situation can get when you don't plan ahead.... so, she finally saw the shoes, and told me to get them... and, I did, so, now, I have shoes to wear... but, then I thought, "Shit, I don't have a bag to match!" so, that's a whole different post on another day... but, I found a bag and, now, I need to get ready for a night of fun.
Tip of the Day: If you're a girl, make sure your everything is prepared and ready to go prior to the event day. If you're a guy, make sure your mom, girlfriend, wife, fiance, sister, or, if you're one out a million, you have prepared things for you prior to an event. It can be really stressful when all you've got are hours before you have to be somewhere, and you don't have shoes to put on your feet.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 123: Date Night

Tonight was date night... Armen and I went to a crappy movie theater (United Artists)... it was such a crappy theater, the armrests didn't even go up... but, we had fun. I agreed to watching "Robin Hood" because he had been mentioning that movie since before it came out, actually, since before there was a trailer. I'm glad I let him choose this time... I thought of pushing the romantic comedy showing, or, "Sex in the City," but I felt like it was his turn today, so I chose "Robin Hood," and I told him I wanted to see it. Well, honestly, the movie sucked... all I remember from it, from beginning to end, was horses and bows and arrows. Oh, and I also remember the horses, and then, some more bows and arrows... well, the effects were good, but I'd rather be watching Carrie in her heels...
So, after three hours of watching bows and arrows, he won me a ball from the game ball machine, and we took some photos in the photo booth, which is always a lot of fun. Now, I'm going to go dream of more bows and arrows...
Tip of the Day: Have a date night once in a while, (with a boyfriend, friend, sibling, parent, or whoever) just spend time with the person you most enjoy.

Day 122: Mickey Mouuuse

I think I've had enough alone time... thank you guys for understanding...

I just finished working on a crafty art project for an event on Saturday... little man was there... so I gave him some gluing to do, and he felt so important brushing that glue on... he was so excited, it made me excited. We spent the last 4 hours making a big Mickey Mouse with black glitter ears, and he brushed the glue on for the glitter. Halfway done with the first ear, he asked, "Do I get to the other ear too?" I said, "Ya, of course... we're not going to leave the other ear shineless." So he said, "Yayyy, ok, that's good, I finally have something to do." I was happy he was happy about having something to do. We finished Mickey... and he looks great! The best part was the process of making it with a child... the process is so much more fun than the finished product and its purpose.
Tip of the Day: Work on a project (any project... doesn't have to be crafty) and involve a few people in the process. Try to make it fun and don't worry about screwing it up, just enjoy the process.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 121: Leave Me Alone

I haven't hated doing this until right now... I don't want to post anything today... I really, honestly, want to go to sleep and not think right now, but I have to do this...
The reason why I don't feel like doing this right now is a secret, a secret that makes me want to go to bed right now and not do this, but I have to... if today's post disappoints you guys, I'm sorry... I try to make these good everyday, but I'm not myself everyday. It's okay to not be yourself everyday. You're not a robot. You're human, and these ups and downs are what make us human. It's hard being human... we have to look our best, act out best, (play certain roles sometimes), be nice, be kind, be generous, be fun, be classy, be sophisticated, be sassy, be fashionable, be unique, and so many other "be's" that can be added to this long list. So... it can get pretty exhausting sometimes. Sometimes, we, as human beings, just want to be left alone. Sometimes, we just want to be... whatever we want to be.
I usually enjoy doing this everyday, and, up until now, I've enjoyed it everyday of the first 120 days, but, tonight, I just want to be left alone, and, it's so hard not to type out what I actually want to type out... Tonight, I need my privacy and my day to be mine, so, I'm going to say that today's:

Tip of the Day is: It's okay if you want to be left alone sometimes... being you is not easy... it's a 24 hour job. Everybody needs a break every once in a while.
"I restore myself when I'm alone." Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 120: Drive Generous

I bet you guys thought I forgot about today's post... nope, not forgot, just didn't get a chance until right now, and, technically, it's day 121 now, but, it's okay, give me a break, I'm here aren't I...
I was driving on a "merging lanes" street today... 3 lanes were merging into 1, and, we all know when that happens, it can be disasterous... I don't understand why it's so hard for people to give each other way? How far behind are they really going to get with one car?
So, I was in the middle lane, and as cars were merging from both lanes, I was being patient. This old Volkswagon behind me was not happy with my generosity... there was a car behind me to my left... I watched it turn its signal on for the Volkswagon as the driver inside turned his head toward her to ask her for way... the Volkswagon behind me just kept driving up my ass, as if we were going anywhere anyway! We were all stopped waiting for the traffic light... so, just to piss off the driver behind me, I pulled my window down and signaled the other driver to come ahead of me... the man noticed my hand and drove up as he stopped next to my car and thanked me. By now, all I could hear was the stupid honk of Volkswagon horn, so, I put my hand on my horn and asked her (attempting sign language in the rear view mirror) what the hell she thought she was honking at...
We were out of there in a couple of minutes... a couple of minutes is all it took...

Tip of the Day: When driving, be generous and give way... it's not the end of the world if you're one car behind. There are no excuses for being an asshole on the road, except... when you're in pain, really mad, in a hurry, and had a bad day... if any of those, try to control yourself and drive generously.