Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 146: I'm just being honest

I've been rude to the family lately... and, my excuse is: "I'm just being honest!" I haven't been insulting them, but, I've been honest about certain situations in a brutal way...
Today, as we sat down in the backyard to have some burgers that my dad had grilled, and, as I bit into my burger, I decided to let him know that his patties were like rock... I said, "Dad, please leave the burgers to Armen... you take care of the Armenian barbeque and he'll do the burgers... it seems you haven't had enough practice with beef patties..." As I said this, with no control over myself, my sister looked at me and said, "I don't think you should talk anymore today!" I replied, "I'm just bein honest!" And, she replied, "Well, you can't say whatever you want and then say I'm just being honest!"
We always teach children to be honest, but, how honest should honest be?
It's good to be honest, but only if it's done the right way. I'm going to stop being so brutally honest and start being more respectably honest... I hope I didn't hurt his feelings...
Tip of the Day: Make sure you're being honest, especially with the people you care most about, but, being brutally honest can be hurtful... and, I hope, none of us have any intentions of hurting another person.

1 comment:

  1. Being honest is a very special characteristic. If you possess this quality don't let it go. Just be more aware of the words you use when expressing your honesty.
