Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 139: Happy Father's Day!

I am so tired right now that it's hard to type... long day, active day, loud day, happy day, meaningful day, and, most importantly, daddio day!
Happy Father's Day to everyone who is a father, everyone who will become a father, and everyone's fathers...
I wrote about my dad in Day 59, so, if you missed it, it was one of my good ones, I think. I talked about looking like, impressing him, and how special he is, but, I also mentioned fathers and how important they are in a family.
Yesterday, I read somewhere: "A father is a banker provided by nature." It's not just that fathers are here to provide us with money... they're the strong souls that are needed in a house. They balance out any, or all, the imbalance women create, and they make disasters seem less disastrous. Men, overall, make us feel safe in such a big world. They bring stability and strength to the unstable and weak. They are calm and, most of the time, focused on what's important. Women would be able to have children, these days, even without a man, but, they wouldn't be able to provide a child with the kind of safety a father would provide... and, a man, wouldn't be able to have a baby at all, so, women are crucial and can't be gotten rid of... We are made to come together to create unity and balance... one would not work without the other.
Today, I said to Armen, "You would be a good dad... you would be a great dad... you would be a perfect dad!" He looked confused and thought I was talking crazy, but I know he got it... Having that feeling of trust towards a man... trusting him to teach your children, raise your children, discipline your children, and, especially, keep them safe is the kind of feeling a wife should have towards a husband. That's what safety feels like... and, that feeling is priceless, once you find it...

Tip of the Day: Let your husband, dad, grandpa, etc. know what a good dad they are or would be... all you have to do is tell them and it'll mean the world to them, even if they look confused.

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