by Marcy Eiben (Artist of A Little Bit of Everything Group Show)
The other day I was sitting there and thinking...
I thought, "Now what?..."
Ok, so the two lines you read above this... I've been looking at that for the past few days...
I have been thinking a lot lately... I've been trying to write lately... I've been trying to find that part of me that writes so well... but... all I've been doing is looking at those 2 lines for the past few days because I have been thinking... now what...?
Not to say that I haven't been experiencing a bit of life itself... I've been busy putting shows together, teaching, going to family events, dinners, loving, arguing, attending funerals, weddings... exercising, yogaing (if that's a word... I don't think it is...) but, yes, I've been experiencing... I've even had topics in my head I've wanted to talk about but, somehow, I always end up watching that blinking cursor and not knowing where to find my words.
Maybe, now is when I can't find my words and I don't know how to express my thoughts on life and my experiences. Right now, I'm blank...
Except for the words I use to explain my blankness, I can't find anything else to say besides... now what?
Now, is when I decide to say nothing...