Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Diving into...

by Daniaelle Simonsen

I haven't written in a while... I've been busy adjusting...
Adjusting to my new home... my new role as a teacher... a wife... Adjusting to changes... thoughts... situations... Adjusting to a new life...
It's funny, when you're married and have your own home, you find yourself saying, "I have to go home and clean." My sister said to me the other day, "I swear if you say you're gonna go home and clean!!!" It's hard not to think about going home to clean because if you don't get it done, nobody else is going to do it. You're on your own... You're on your own when it comes to making the bed, cleaning the toilet, mopping the floors, dusting the furniture, doing your laundry... I have to say that (admit that) my mom is still doing my laundry. She insists on doing my laundry so I don't want to let her down... No, really, she's having a hard time giving it up. At first, I didn't have a washing machine, then, when we got that, I didn't have Tide or bleach, and, now, well, now I need a drying rack so I can't do my laundry yet... Plus, it makes her feel better to do it. It makes her feel like I'm still around when she washes my clothes. She's going through withdrawal and I'm trying to make it easier on her... and... myself.
So, as I try to adjust to my new life, I try to keep some things the way they were so it's easier on me because I'm going through withdrawal... Withdrawal from my old life and diving head on into my new one... with my new new home... my new role as a teacher and wife... with all of my new thoughts... the new situations... I start my new life...

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