Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Life as a Comedic TV Show

I am a fan of I Love Lucy... I have watched her so much I can relate my everyday situations to certain episodes. When Armen and I were on our honeymoon, I would bring up Lucy's European trip episodes almost everywhere we went and, oddly enough, funny things happen to me which make me think of her.
Speaking of Lucy, I've been trying to wallpaper my bedroom for two days. So far, I have two pieces up in the corner of the room and I think they look great but if you ask Armen, well, don't ask Armen because all he does is laugh at me about it. If you haven't tried doing so, wallpapering is difficult to do...
I tried the first one with the help of my sister and that didn't turn out so well. I finished putting paste on the paper as it lay on the floor, then, I picked up one end as I asked my sister to grab the other and follow me. She did so but as we got to the wall, we both got confused as to how we were going to turn it around onto the wall, and as she tried to get under me to paste it down, I started yelling, "What are you doing? Hurry up, it's sticking!!!"
With the way it's going, I can't help but think of Lucy's wallpapering episode. I guess life is good these days since I can relate it to a comedic TV show.

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