Tuesday, June 21, 2011

10 Days Away...

I sit here, in the kitchen, with jello... red, orange, and green jello... Actually, I threw the green part away because it tasted like medicine...
I know I said I'd be starting another year of this... I've been hesitant... but... now I'm here and I'm focused. I will be doing this everyday for as long as it takes for me to be content... content with my world, my thoughts, and my words...
There are exactly 10 days left until my wedding day... and I know that because I have an actual countdown on the mirror in my room. I cross it off every morning as I get ready for the day. In exactly 10 days, I will have a husband, I will be in my wedding dress, I will be throwing my bouquet, and I will be a bride. I've thought about this for a long time... I was never that little girl that dreamt about her wedding day but, I've been thinking about my wedding day for the past couple of years now and, now, it's 10 days away... The invitations have been sent out, the checks have been signed, the dress has been sewn, and I... I feel unexplainable...
The lady that was in the hospital died... My grandma hated black. She despised that color. Every time she'd see one of us wearing anything black, she'd say, "Don't you have any other color to wear? I'm going to take that off of you and tear it up!" We'd just react by not taking her seriously and shrugging our shoulders. Now, today, as I take my black clothes off, I realize why she hated it so much... Now, I despise the color black and I can't wait to wear my white dress in 10 days. I wish she could see me in it...
I'm glad they don't have black jello... I like colorful jello... except green. I realize that people are like jello... they come in different colors, shapes, and forms but... we can't take the green out of people. We have to take all they've got, the red, orange, and green, and, sometimes, even their black. That's what makes life interesting... all the different colors. Without it, jello would be clear and clear jello would have no flavor. So, with all of life's flavors these days, I can't wait for my feast that's 10 days away...

"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For poise, walk with knowledge that you will never walk alone. People, even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Never throw out anyone." ♥ Audrey Hepburn

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