Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 174: Slow Dance

I never really know what to do on Sundays... working doesn't work... relaxing doesn't work... so, nothing really gets done on Sundays. Normally, I just hang around, confused, until something comes up...
Today, was a long Sunday... seems like I've been up for 24 hours, but, it has only been 16...
Besides, hanging out by the pool, having dinner at two different places, and watching a movie at the theaters, I've haven't done much else... except... slow dance...
This might be a bit weird, but Armen and I dance sometimes... it doesn't matter when or where, usually in the house, during the day, but, we dance sometimes, randomly. It happens when our favorite song comes on, or, when I need to spend some time with him for a few minutes after a busy day. So, this happens rarely, but, it happens.
From all of today's activities, that's what I remember most... anytime we dance, when we dance, I forget about everything else for a couple of minutes... it feels like a power nap, kind of.
My forgetful grandma was at our house today... and, I heard Armen calling my name. Usually, he makes conversation with her when she's around. I think he may be the only one making conversation with her at times. So, I went to see what he was saying, and, he said, "Come, come, your grandma wants us to dance..." while he smiled and looked at my grandma, as he put a song on, getting ready to dance... I looked at my grandma, smiled, and then, looked over at Armen, looking confused. Then, he said to my grandma, "Don't you wanna see us dance? Didn't you ask us to dance?" She looked at him looking lost and confused and shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea what he was talking about... then, she said, "sure, go ahead and dance..." She sat there and watched us dance... It felt a bit awkward, but, like I said, I forgot she was there at all. As soon as the song was over, Armen said, "See, we did it! You wanted us to dance, and, we danced..." as she looked at us smiled, she nodded her head giving her approval.
I can remember every slow dance in my life being special in its own way... every single one had its own moment and personal significance... and, my grandma made today's dance special.
Tip of the Day: Take the time to slow dance, sometimes... Slow dancing is a great part of life's experiences that can go unnoticed, unfortunately...

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