Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 221: Admit it, you're wrong...

I woke up to my mom screaming today... she walked into my sister's room and yelled, (in Armenian) "Don't you know I'm blind? Why did you park your car in back of my car?!!!" As my sister got out of bed, half asleep, to see the damage, I was giggling in bed. My mom followed my sister out of her room as she kept saying, "I'm blind! I'm blind! I'm blind! How did I not see the car there? I just backed up into it like it didn't exist... Oh my God, I'm blind!!! My baby's brand new car... Oh my God!" I was still giggling... I thought, "it's just a car mom... calm down..."
Then, as I was getting Armen's clothes ready, while I ironed his shirt I noticed that it looked a bit different... but, it was okay... whatever...
I sat at my computer, as he walked up to me holding his shirt up, he asked, "Kyank, (meaning "life" in Armenian, kind of like "sweety") I think there are stains on this shirt?" I looked up at his shirt, with stains all over it, front and back, and said, "No that's the shirt's design, dummy... just wear it..." He looked at the shirt again, confused, and said, "No, kyank, I don't think this is a design... this shirt is dirty..." I was annoyed by now... I looked up at him and said, "Arm, look, how would you stain the shirt all over like this and make it look like a design? It's the design! Trust me, I know!" He answered, "Okay, fine, if it's a design, then, it shouldn't wash out, right?" I thought, "Duhh..." He walked away and, let's just say, I wouldn't let him leave the house with a stained shirt on... I was wrong... so, I got to iron two shirts today.
Tip of the Day: When you're wrong about something, admit it.

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