Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 316: It's better

The reason why I'm writing about blisters is not because I've run out of thoughts... Sometimes, you have to use blisters to explain certain things in life... Especially, when it's there for the whole world to see.
My sister text me this morning, "Is the ache in your foot gone yet?" I laughed and texted back, "haha" but, to my surprise, she replied, "Well did it? I'm really asking. I'm not making fun of you." Then, I replied, "Are you asking metaphorically, or my blister?" which really confused things more because she answered, "Uh, your blister... are you being metaphorical?" Let's just say there was a whole bunch of confusion in a texting conversation.
My only answer to her question was, "Nevermind... my blister is getting better." I know it'll get better... it's just going to take some time.

Tip of the Day: Sometimes, there's is more to someone's words than what they're saying.


  1. That's what is extra special about your blogs. You take the simple things and find a deeper meaning and lesson in it. I loved the tip about healing.

    The whole blister blog reminded me of something Oprah said, ''The best way to forget your troubles is to wear tight shoes.'' Lol. Ladies can relate. :)

  2. Thank you Anonymous... as you mention Oprah, you almost don't seem so anonymous anymore... LOL I appreciate the comments more you think :)
