Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 331: A Mind Full of Emptiness

I've never spent so much time staring at this blank type box with its blinking cursor... I think I might be drained of all my creative energy today. I have been reading, watching, and making creativity today... and, as I sit here trying to come up with something creative, I realize I'm all "creatived out!" The personal art, art gallery art, magazine art, creating bookmarks art, creating ornaments art, creating... creating... creating... and, now, I have to create a piece of good, creative thought... but, I'm empty. There is nothing that comes to mind at this moment that would be important and interesting enough to speak of...
There have been people in my day, different events throughout the day, and many thoughts in my mind, but, at this very moment, I'd like to explain how empty my thoughts are and how empty I'd like my thoughts to be...
For most of the past 330 days I've had a mind full of thoughts, emotions full of everything emotional, a family full of entertainment, and many, many outlooks from my own personal perspective... Today, I'd like to give myself the opportunity to relax my mind and give you a mind full of emptiness...

Tip of the Day: An empty mind can be what you need at times... Give your mind some space and let everything go.

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