Friday, February 12, 2010

What is Love: Day 12

Women are so difficult. We always end up analyzing everything, which makes life so difficult for us. Men are simple. They mean what they say and they say what they mean. That's why there's a communication problem between the sexes. We will never understand each other because we are so different. A guy doesn't mean anything by the things he says or does except for the thing that he's exactly saying or doing. I hope you guys are still with me...
We women look into things so much, we don't realize what the hell is going on in our heads half the time. That is the reason we are moody three weeks out of the month. (and we blame it on "the time of the month.")
I am not against women. Obviously, I am one myself, but, I bear the same problem. I wish I could think like a guy sometimes, and just be, without all the mess in my head and all the extra headache. We are built differently and, sometimes, it sucks.
Today, love is simple. Atleast, it's supposed to be. I like you, you like me, I want you, you want me, I need you, you need me, so, I love you, and you love me. That is all there is to it. That is all there is supposed to be to it. Once we understand that about each other, everything else will fall into place. The easier we make things out to be, the easier they will be. Everytime something goes wrong, just think "shit happens," and say it out loud. 95% of the time, it makes you feel better about the situation.
If he's not picking up, responding, contacting you, or paying any attention, then, for a man, that just means "that." I guess, "he's just not that into you." If he shows you attention, cares, and does everything to make you smile, then, that's exactly what he means to do. Us women, we think that if he's not picking up, maybe he's busy, if he's not responding, maybe the message didn't go through, and if he's not calling or paying attention, well, maybe he's just too busy, so, I'll call him to remind him I exist. If he's showing you attention and caring, then, he's either a wuss that can't get another girl, is a momma's boy, or, maybe, he's just trying to get into my pants, or... he's just too nice. Women don't like nice me. Some of us just enjoy being treated like shit and crying all the time. Most of us take this kind of treatment, until we decide to get with a nice guy. But, unfortunately, some of us never get it at all. The ones that don't ever get it, just go with the flow for the rest of their life, hopefully, having a few girlfriends to run to.
The reason why there are so many relationship issues is because of these translations that have gone bad. Why can't we just take things as they are. Everything has to be rocket science with us and, obviously, everything has to include our deepest feelings and concerns. Love should be simple.

Tip of the Day: If you're a woman, try to take things lightly. Try to think like a man and be straightforward. Don't beat around the bush and tell him that you don't want anything for Valentine's Day, when you do. He's not going to get that you want something when you say you don't. He's not going to get that you're just saying that to be modest. If you're a man, try to be a bit more sensitive towards women. Try to pay attention to her if you care and show her a bit of love, even when you feel like she's blabbing on like a crazy person, because, yes, we do sound crazy most of the time, but most of the time, we can't help it.

"This is a man's world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl." James Brown & Betty Jean Newsome
I just read over my blog after I posted it, and I sound kind of mad. I'm really not mad. These are just the types of things that run through my mind when I come across a hard headed man once in a while. I think about these things and try to understand our differences and make peace with it. It's the only way I've learned how to deal.

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