Sunday, February 7, 2010

You Are Who You Are

"Red Head"

The saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover," exists, but, most of the time, not used. We, as humans, have a difficult time not seeing people as they are on the outside. It's the one thing we pay attention to when meeting someone for the first time or watching someone from far. We can't help but have our ideas and opinions about each other. (Women expressing it more than man) We all know that we shouldn't judge by appearance, but we'd much rather have our spouse be the best looking man/woman in the room. It's natural. We can't help but react when we see someone/something we think is beautiful. Each one of us being so different, our ideas of beauty vary, but crosses paths most of the time when someone/something is truly unique. I would guess that only 10% or 15% of men would think that Angelina Jolie or the image of the "Red Head" are not attractive at all.
Most women wake up every morning and do certain things to look attractive and accepted by the outside world. We go through a whole process each day just to feel good about ourselves and personally, I think, that we should take care of ourselves. We should look good on the outside so that it can make us feel better on the inside. If putting on some makeup and wearing our hair down makes our day better and helps us walk taller, then, why not. Everyone deserves attention and admiration. For some of us, getting a compliment makes us smile and think good about ourselves for at least one minute of our day.
My point is not that image is everything, but, it is something. It's the only way we put ourselves out there in front of the world, to judge. And the world can't help but judge.

Tip of the Day: If you're a woman, dress up and put some makeup on. If you already do, then, keep at it. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up. Just remember to be yourself at all times, no matter if it's Gucci, Coach, or Forever 21. If you're a man, compliment a woman once in a while. It means the world to them, most of the time.

“Your self image is your pattern!. Every thought has an activity visualized. Every activity belongs to a pattern. You identify with your pattern or thought. Your patterns leads your life.” - J.G. Gallimore

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