Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 106: Great Expectations

Expectations... we all have them... some of us, more than others.
When we have expectations of people, we are disappointed most of the time... then, due to that disappointment, we lose respect, interest, and love for those people. Our expectations of others are unnecessary. The only person we should expect things from is ourself.
If you've ever thought to yourself "why didn't she/he do this? How come he didn't call to thank me or how come she/he didn't offer..." well, I'd say those are all unecessary expectations. The second you begin to wonder things like that, try to stop yourself because if you don't, you're going to be disappointed. When that happens, think about what kind of a person you're dealing with and try to understand their stand point in their life and their perspective of the situation.
If you're the kind of person that likes to do things for others, you do it because it makes you happy helping others. At the end, you do it for yourself and your contentment with yourself. You might think about how some people don't appreciate the things you do for them, but, they do, in their own way. Everybody just has a different way of showing their feelings and thanks... you have to be smart enough to read them the right way.
If you try to be understanding about everything and try not to judge people for what they didn't do, you'll be much happier with the person you are the people around you... and, in the end... no disappointments.
Personally, and, so honestly, the only other person I think we have the right to expect things from is our spouse, and, hopefully, the communication in the relationship is good enough to understand each other's expectations, actions, thoughts, and all the other big words that go into maintaining a good relationship.
Tip of the Day: Try to keep your expectations of everybody else very low(at a minimum), so that, the unexpected can make you happy from time to time.

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