Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 91: Ladies Room

You know that feeling of sadness you get in your gut sometimes, and, you have no idea where it comes from... I get that often, and I kind of like that feeling because it puts me in another place. It's the feeling that makes me light a candle or drink a glass of wine before bed. Well, tonight, the candle is lit, but no wine glass...
I had a good day, overall... long day. I attended three different events and ate three times as much as I do in one day.
Considering the long day I had, the most interesting part of my day was using the bathrooms at these three different events.
The first was a restaurant bathroom, and the thing that caught my eye in there was the artwork on the walls. The bathroom was designed with a modern look to it, the sinks were the flat, slanted kind, (the kind where you have no idea where the water is going...) but the artwork was amazing, also modern, but amazing.
The second restroom was at my aunt's house... I used the guest bathroom... regular bathroom with a toilet, sink, and mirrors, but, the interesting part was what was inside the cabinet. There was men's cologne (considering 3 men live there), deoderant, and some towels. I admit, I looked in their cabinet and I can't say I was looking for anything, but, admit it, we've all done it once or twice. I know my aunt does it in mine because, once, she walked out of our bathroom with one of my lipglosses in her hand, asking where I had bought it from... (I had a ??? look on my face but laughed and offered her the lipgloss for being so honest...)
The third bathroom was the most interesting of all... I visited my parent's cousin's house, and their two boys moved here, to America from Russia, about 4 months ago. They're attending ESL classes to try to learn English fluently. I walked into their bathroom, and looked in the mirror as I noticed two pieces of paper taped to the wall across from the toilet seat at its height. So, at first, I thought, "Ok, it's not my business... it's probably a story of some kind to keep busy while in the bathroom, or it might be a weight monitor... or..." So, I tried my best not to be nosey, but... I couldn't help it... I kneeled down to read it and, to my surprise, it was a list of words. There were 4 colums of words: one for present tense English, past tense English, another for future tense, and the last column was the word in Russian. I looked over the list for a couple of seconds, felt extremely impressed with their dedication to learning English (even in the bathroom...) and decided to, after knowing already, mind my own business.
I apologize for talking about bathrooms and my experiences in them today, but, I hope you catch my drift...
Now, I'm going to blow out my candle...because somehow... that feeling is gone...
Tip of the Day: You can learn a lot about people from observing the way they live, if it's their bathroom, bedroom, or kitchen. Don't go poking your nose into eveyone's bathroom cabinets, but pay attention to the details and you might find that you're intrigued with their ways.
"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential." Ashley Smith

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