Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 194: Thank You for Noticing Me

So... it is undeniable that today is my birthday!!! I am, now, 26 years old and... I am, now, in my late 20's... or, maybe, it could still be my mid-twenties(?)... but, I have to say I am so happy!
I can't imagine being in a different place in my life right now, like I've said before...
I woke up to phone calls, text messages, and people kissing me this morning. It has been extremely nice being here, on Earth, today. I, officially, feel so loved... and lucky. Someone said to me today, "You are such an inspiration... I remember you, four years ago, talking about all that you wanted to do and accomplish, and, now, here you are, and, you did it!" and another called me "unique" in the most sincere words that made me speechless as to how to reply...
I would like to thank all of you that have given me the attention I need, on this day, and would like to express my feelings about how happy you have me today. It's not the presents that are remembered most, it's the moments of attention and love...
A few years ago, on my birthday, Armen asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I told him that all I wanted was a card, but it had to be written in... Just for your information, Armen is not a very good writer or speller, for that matter. So, he got me a card and, on the inside, wrote: "hapi burtday!!! fram armen" The only thing he spelled correctly was his name, and, I still stuck with him after that card... but, it's the one birthday card I remember most...
Birth days would just pass by if no one remembered them... they would go unnoticed... people would go unnoticed... and, today, as I move on into my late 20's, I would like to thank all of you for noticing me at all...

Tip of the Day: Try to remember people's birthdays... Everyone has their special day, and, everyone needs their own special day to be special... People are what make birthdays special.

1 comment:

  1. you are an inspiration and unique and most importantly real<3 Happy Birthday.. wishing you another great year filled love and health and happiness!!! You have great morals and values combined with your honest outlook on life I'd say you have it all =)

