Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 197: Carnations for You...

Today is my sister's birthday... I would like to wish her a Happy Birthday and talk about what an amazing person she is... and how amazing she makes my life...
Oddly enough, I'm not going to do that... I bought Carnations for the gallery, which my sister hates. She says they're the nastiest flowers ever!!! I disagree... I think, even though, they have a reputation for being funeral flowers, and being cheap, they're, actually, really beautiful. My relationship with my sister is a love and hate relationship.(which most of you might understand if you have a sister...) With all that I mentioned in my "Sibling Rivalry" post the other day, I think that words (any words I try to use) can not describe the feeling of the imbalance and harmony that comes with having a sister... the feeling of wanting to smash someone's head against a wall and the will to kill for them. It is unexplainable, so I'm not going to try. I would just like to try to portray that feeling by telling her that I would like to give her the world today... She deserves all that is good and great in this world, not because I love her, but, because she loves me. Then, I would like to gift her the bouquet of Carnations I bought today and tell her that she's wrong about them... take a look at them again... Remember how, in grade school, we used to put them in food coloring and they would turn different colors for Science projects... just like you can remember me during your childhood... forget all their bad sides, and try to see how beautiful they can be... Try to think of them as you think of me...

Tip of the Day: Try to see things for what they are, not what they're known to be...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sister. You mean the world to me. I learn from you everyday. Being around you makes me a better person. Thank you.

