Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 199: Nude Models & Products

I am experiencing what it is to have yourself out there in cyber world... to sign up for websites, have a website, have a blog, a Facebook, etc. I've written about exposing yourself to the internet world, but, today, I experienced a couple of consequences...
I woke up this morning to a phone call... I picked up my phone... "Hello" sounding half asleep. The man on the other end said, "Hello, is this Eerren? I'm sorry did I wake you?" I answered, "No, it's okay, I'm just sick (innocent lie...) Can I help you?" Then, he said, "Yes, I'm actually a model and I found you on Model Mayhem... I understand you're an artist and you look for models to draw and paint, do you paint nude models?" At that moment, I thought I might be hearing things or dreaming for that matter, but I got myself together, with my eyes still closed and still half asleep, I said, "Ya, I do have an account, I do draw and paint models, but... not nude normally. I look for clothed women, most of the time... " He answered, "Oh... ok, are you sure you don't paint nude models? I'll pay you to paint me!" Right then, my eyes were wide open, as I said, "No, I'm sorry I don't normally paint nudes, but, you can look into art schools... they're normally looking for nude models..." and he said, "Ya, but they want experienced models... Ok, it's okay, I guess..." Then, I said, "If you'd like, email me with your information and I'll call you in case I do decide to paint a nude... Ok... Thank you..." He replied, "Oh, ok, I sure will! Thank you!" Then, we both hung up... I stared at my phone wondering if I might still be sleeping... then, turned around and went back to sleep hoping that awkward feeling would fade...
Later in the day, I got an email asking me to review a certain computer product on my blog... If I did it, they'd send me the product for free and place a link and my logo on their product's webpage. As I read my email, I thought, "Oh... that's interesting..." but... my blog is not a place for advertisements... You guys don't come here to read about products... and, I, surely, don't come here to review products. I'm here for personal reasons... I'm here to share my life and experiences... I'm here to teach... and, most importantly, I'm here to learn...

Tip of the Day: Expect the downsides of having "you" out in cyber world... Those weird experiences are worth it when you have the world at your fingertips.

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