Today is June 18th, 2010... mid-June... today, all the DMV's are closed. (just so you know...) I made a DMV appointment for today at 8:30 AM, drove to Van Nuys, in the morning, to realize that, today, all the DMV's are closed... Ya, tell me about it, but, I try to be responsible these days, which is not what I can say about my younger, school years.
June is a month for Birthdays, Graduations, Weddings, and, because of weddings, Anniversary's... so, it's a month of buying presents, writing in cards, having balloons in the car, and trying to make it to events on time.
Today, I have two events to attend... a goodbye party, and a Graduation...
Both events are taking place because of an individual who has achieved something for themselves and they need to be recognized for it, so, I would like to dedicate Day 137 to all the achievers of this month, and say, "Congratulations to you and your accomplishments!"
Graduations are a very awkward experience, I think. You go to school for years, spend hours in classes and hours reading, writing, and learning, (at least, for some of us) and, then, in one day, in 2 hours, that's it, you're done, and, now, you can go home and never come back... Now, you can do whatever you want... you are the one who decides what time to wake up, what to do with your free time, and where to go... so, honestly, from personal experience, graduating is overwhelming, most of the time.
I remember my sixth grade graduation the most because I had to make a speech... I remember exactly how I felt... and, when I was done, I was more proud of myself for finishing that speech without mumbling or falling off the podium, than graduating sixth grade, because I knew Middle School was next... but, when you graduate high school, or, better yet, college, that's a real big step to take, an overwhelming step.
In sixth grade, our teacher made us write a letter to ourselves telling ourselves where we'd think we'd be in twenty years... we put the letters in envelopes, and labeled it, "Do Not Open Until 2016!" I still have that letter, and I remember the day I wrote it, and, ever since 1996, I've been waiting for 2016 to open that thing... 6 more years to go...
Tip of the Day: Wherever you are in life, if you're leaving a job, graduating, getting married... it's, really, only the beginning of something else. You always have something else to look forward to, so, look forward to life and all its possibilities.
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you."
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple