Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 342: By My Side...

Today, I realized that I have 6 months left until I move out... We were having coffee time with the women in the family and the wedding was the only thing on everybody's mind. That's when I realized there's 6 months left until my life turns around completely and changes. I don't think it has hit me yet... the actuality of moving out of my parent's house has not reached its core, but I am confident about anything, with Armen by my side...
My dad was in the garage, standing on our 6 foot ladder, looking for something from storage... He took a few boxes down, called my name out a couple of times because he was getting irritated of all my items in storage... Then, he said, "When are you gonna go? It'll be nice... you'll take all this stuff with you... Who has this much stuff? You bought everything you saw!" I looked up at him, started laughing, and said, "Really dad? You're terrible! That's a terrible thing to say! You don't mean that!" We both laughed as I thought about where I was going to fit all this stuff?
I'm sure I'll find somewhere to put all this stuff, with Armen by my side...

Tip of the Day: No matter what big changes you go through in life, know that there is always someone by your side. You are not alone...


  1. You will never be alone no matter what love ...


  2. I cant w8 till July super excited and im happy you have ur "Mr Right" by your side =] im sure he will never let u feel lonely... Muah

    -Lucy Gh.

  3. Lol. That moment was priceless. The truth is I'm sure if dad had a choice he would rather keep you around with ALL your stuff.
