Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 349: A Complete Puzzle

Life is a series of events... We go through life moving on... There is no where else to go but forward... no matter what happens...
So... we move on... but, sometimes, we pause... and find ourselves so far from where we used to be that it, somehow, feels like it never happened... or it could have been a dream...
The best part of going through what is called Life is realizing how and why such events take place. There comes certain days when you think about what these things meant in your life and what their significances were. It might seem like a bunch of coincidences but, in actuality, it all comes together to make a perfect, complete puzzle.

Tip of the Day: Life might look like a bunch of little, confusing pieces to you now, but, when you're patient and you slowly work it out, it will reveal itself... Just be patient and take your time... The process of putting it together is what counts...


  1. Sometimes though it is easier said than done... The key is being patient, but it is hard when you don't have any will power to be so... But I do agree with you for sure hun...

  2. I love this post, your point of view and the way u see life <3 never though about the puzzle example wow
    -Lucy Gh.

  3. I also enjoyed this post a lot. Makes thing sound so easy and simple. I hope to adopt this look on life onto my life.
