Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 363: Hide n' Seek

Sometimes, it's nice to hide... I think that might be what I'll be looking forward to in a couple of days... I will be back... but, I just need to be away for a while. I have been on display for the past 363 days and, honestly, I'd like to go away for a while...
I hope all of you have enjoyed getting to know me personally. I have enjoyed introducing myself and, at times, getting too personal with all of you and I'd just like to say that I have learned far more about myself than you have. I have been public about my thoughts, feelings, values, and everything my life has possibly consisted of in the last 363 days and, now (in two days), I'd like for you to act as though you can't find me for a while... I'd like to feel like I'm hiding in that one great spot we used to think was so great as a child... Just walk right past me and act like I'm not there... just for a little while... I'll come out when I'm ready so we can start a whole new game of hide n' seek... I promise...

Tip of the Day: If you need balance in your life, don't be afraid to take some time off to weigh it all out.


  1. Ahhh, yes balance... I think it is the hardest thing in life, to try and find balance.

  2. I agree. It's so nice to just get away from everyone and everything sometimes. It really helps refresh your mind

  3. Im so proud of you darling! you are so dedicated and wonderful! thank you for sharing the year with us!!!
