Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 278: IKEA

The highlight of my day, today, was sliding across the IKEA aisles on their carts. If you haven't tried it, please do. It's extremely fun.
Here are some instructions:
1. Grab one of the flat carts that comes out of the cart dispenser (I guess that's what it would be called...). It is located right after the exit of the showrooms and before the beginning of the aisles.
2. Push the cart to an empty aisle. Make sure there is no one around for at least another 20 feet.
3. Begin by pushing the cart and start running.
4. As you run and get faster, jump onto the edge of the cart while pushing your feet down onto the cart making it go even faster.
5. Just keep your balance, hold on tight, and ENJOY the ride. This is the best part!

So, that's all there is to it... again, I urge you to try it if you haven't already. I do have a video recording of me performing these five steps, but I think I'm okay with the other 20 people around the store that watched me perform. I'd rather keep it imaginary for the rest.
As I performed this act, an Asian lady behind me watched... she made a gesture to me as I stopped my cart. Then, I watched her push her cart toward me as she jumped on and slid across the aisle. Everyone around stopped and watched as her husband stared at his wife with a weird look on his face. As she stopped her cart halfway down the aisle, she raised her arms in victory and everyone watching started clapping and cheering for her. It was a great moment... an IKEA moment... Would have been a great commercial...
The downside of IKEA is being surrounded by boards of all sizes, a bag of screws, nuts, and bolts, and an instruction manual that helps you do it YOURSELF. Right now, I am experiencing the downsides, but it's so worth the cart ride.

Tip of the Day: Enjoy those things that make you feel like a kid again. Don't worry about who's watching and judging... Sometimes, just HAVE FUN!

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