Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 295: I Shouldn't Care

Have you ever told yourself not to care?
"I shouldn't care... why do I care so much? Who cares? What's wrong with me? I shouldn't care... but... I do... "
I think we all might have done that at one time or another. Personally, I think that what I feel is my problem. People are not responsible for the way we feel about them. When you feel like you shouldn't be feeling a certain way about something, and, you do, well, that's because of the person you are. People can't help but be who they are... you can't either, so, when your feelings get in the way of something, just tell yourself you feel that way because you are that way. Each and every one of us is different... we behave differently, think differently, react differently, and feel differently. How do you know someone else doesn't feel the same way? The best way to try to understand yourself is to be yourself and let all the extra stuff go. If you care, then you care... if you don't, then you don't. There's nothing more to it.

Tip of the Day: Don't spend your time thinking about why is it that you care... just care about it and let it go.

"I shouldn't care... but I do... " Edith Piaf (lyrics)

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