Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 286: You're not Alone

My dad's birthday gift was 2 tickets to the Lakers game tonight. I was most excited about him going to the game because he had never been to a live game... any kind of live game, but I was actually more excited that we wouldn't have to watch the game at home, on t.v., today. There would be silence instead of news reporters and screeching tennis shoes... but... that didn't work because we watched the game on t.v. to try to find dad in the crowd... ya, tell me about it... but nope... we didn't find him...
Today, my aunt was talking about how lifeless she felt. She was explaining how she didn't feel like doing anything and nothing really mattered. My forgetful grandma overheard her talking and she stood by listening carefully. She listened to her for a while and walked over to me as she whispered, "Why is she saying that? Did her husband move away for work?" I smiled and told my aunt what she had just said. My aunt looked over at my grandma and asked, "No, he's home. Why aunty?" My grandma simply replied, "Well, if he lives at home, then, what's wrong. That's all you need..."
So, I guess it's better to hear sports news and screeching tennis shoes then to be alone...

Tip of the Day: No matter what kind of problems you may have, at least, you're not alone...

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