Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 300: Looking Back

I never thought I'd reach this day... and... now that I have, it doesn't feel that long ago...
I've been going back and reading old posts because I'm trying to choose my favorite 12 posts to use for my 2011 planner. (If you guys have any favorites, I wouldn't mind knowing what you think... just comment and let me know which day was your favorite) Reading old posts has made me realize how many days 300 days actually is... but, it doesn't feel as long as it seems... If you've been reading since day 1, joined us midway, or have just joined us, I'd like to go back to the day before day 1... It was the beginning of how this all started... It was my explanation for this strange project... and, here it is:

So...I haven't been feeling that great lately, and I recently came across this book of Everyday Happy 365 Ways to a Better You by Jenny Hare. I've been reading it and it's a great little book of different ways to be "everyday happy." So, here is my idea: I will be posting everyday, for the next year, each day a new way on how to be "modest," since we are Modest Fly Art Studio Gallery!
modest - 1. having or showing a moderate opinion of one's own value, abilities, achievements, etc.; 2. behaving, dressing, speaking, etc. in a way that is considered proper or decorous; 3. moderate or reasonable; 4. quiet and humble in appearance, style, etc.
My objective for this project is to share my daily experiences and give a tip a day on having a brighter and more positive outlook on life and its possibilities. Posting every single day for the next year is a huge commitment for me, but I am so excited to take it on and share my thoughts and experiences with all of you.
Today, I read somewhere: "Life is a lemon, and I want my money back!" (for those who don't get that quote right away, like my sister, it's referring to a lemon as in a lemon car that is returned for a full refund) I know everybody's busy with life and all that it consists of...and in the midst of it all, we, sometimes, lose track of ourselves. The smallest gesture in your day can go unnoticed and, sometimes, those gestures are what keep us grounded. We usually don't have time to stop and pay attention to our surroundings, and the recognition of life's occurrences is what I hope to accomplish with this blog in the next year. My intention is not to turn the Modest Fly Art Gallery blog into a self-help site, but to express the different ways we, as artists, students, employees, the unemployed, bosses, teachers, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, and most important of all, lovers, need to nourish ourselves in order to maintain happiness, creativity, and self-expression, while LIFE happens!!!
I told my fiance about this project, and I said to him, "how about if no one follows it?" sounding worried, and he said,"well, are you doing this for yourself or are you doing it for everybody else?" I replied, "myself," sounding very confident, and he replied, "then, why does it matter!" So... I guess, what I'm trying to say is that I'm dedicating myself to this because I want to accomplish this goal I've set for myself. I hope to have readers and feedback from all of you, but, if not, I'll still be here anyway. My first official post will be starting tomorrow, February 2nd, 2010. Promise to keep you posted !!! Love, Eerren

So, there it is... my first, official post. It has been very interesting to go back and read what I thought days ago... I have 300 days of my life on record and on this day, all I can say is "I wouldn't take any of it back."

Tip of the Day: Go back and revisit a project from the past. Your thoughts, ideas, and ways might surprise you...