Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 42: The Hour of Comfort

It's funny how a difference of an hour in the day can screw up your body's time clock. Waking up this morning was not a Folgers commercial, and to top it off, I've been dazed all day. When I feel this way, the only thing that makes me feel better is I Love Lucy. Watching her makes me feel at comfort, and at ease with myself. If I was anywhere in the world feeling homesick, Lucy is the only thing that would make me feel at home. I'm not a crazy, obsessed fan of hers that has all her licensed material, but I do have the I Love Lucy DVD collection. The closest I came to her is dressing up like her on Halloween one year... and that was close enough, I think.

Tip of the Day: Find out that one thing that makes you comfortable and go back to it when you have to. With all the changes going on in our lives, we can go back to that one thing that takes us back to the same place and time, and makes us feel like a day hasn't passed.

"But you've got to have money for comfort, which obviously doesn't matter as much when you're young, but even so. I always like to bloody eat well and be warm. Have a drink when I want it."
- Jeffrey Bernard

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