Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 57


So, I'm still going through the aftermath of the opening on Saturday, trying to get things organized and in place. I, finally, have most things in order, but my car is still packed with my stuff that I don't have space for at the gallery right now.
Throughout the work, cleaning up, and some confusion with my paper work in the business of art, the tulips on my desk make me feel so much better...
Not all flowers have this effect on me, but these white tulips seem to make the day so much brighter. I think it's their character. They seem more alive when they shift their heads towards the light and open and close their petals. It's extremely fascinating to me.
I realized a few guys walking back and forth by the gallery today, in a weird, suspicious way. It made me feel kind of helpless, so I located the panic button on my alarm and stood there waiting to push it. I stepped outside for a second and realized they were standing on the sidewalk watching me, so I came in, closed the door, and locked it. And, that was the end of that.
But to my surprise, an hour later, some man came in claiming to be a security guard, selling pepper spray for self defense. So, I bought one, finally, and now, I feel better having that and my tulips on my desk.

Tip of the Day: Find the flower that makes you feel better, buy it, and place it where you spend most of your time. It's kind of cheesy, but try it and see how it changes the atmosphere. (I'm not going to be cheesier and find a quote on flowers, you already get the point...)

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