Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 47: Fall Confidently

It's Saturday night and I'm at the gallery working on some things. I needed a card holder outside for the postcards... and I put one up today. Actually, I looked everywhere for a decent looking one and didn't come across one that I liked. So, I went to Michaels, bought the pieces separately, put it together, and spray painted it white. Going through that whole process was a cinch, until I got to the part where I had to nail it to the wall outside the gallery. I began by nailing the 4" nail onto the wall, just to poke a hole in the wall for convenience. So, as I hammered the nail in there, it went in all the way, ("that's what she said!" sorry...I've been looking for the best moment to use that phrase for 3 years now) but I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to pull it back out. Well, to begin with, I wasn't using a hammer, I was using an adjustable clamping (thing a majig) tool. So I nailed it in, then, as I held the nail with the tool, I pulled back on the thing as hard as I could. A couple of minutes into it, my weight was hanging on that nail and I was pulling on it like my life depended on it. So, guess what, the nail finally decided to budge and fly out as it sent me flying backwards towards the tree behind me. I'm OK now! The important thing is that my box of postcards is up, it looks great, and my fiance can't take the credit for it...

Tip of the Day: Try something that you wouldn't usually do, even if you're totally oblivious of the idea and process. It can't be rocket science! If you're a woman, try something that you would usually ask a man to do and do it confidently (even if you end up on your ass). If you're a man, try something that a woman usually does. Try taking your plate of food to the kitchen, (you don't have to wash it), or try putting your clothes in the laundry, (and not your bedroom floor).

"The notion of a universality of human experience is a confidence trick and the notion of a universality of female experience is a clever confidence trick." - Angela Carter

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