Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 63: Out of Gas...Walk Your Ass!

It's Easter Sunday! Happy Easter Sunday to everyone!
Last night was good... I drove to Orange County at 7pm for an opening at the gallery that's showing my work and was back here by 9pm for dinner with the family. It was a good night full of food, wine, and Lotto. (There are a few sneak peeks up there of last night)

This morning I had to be at the gallery at 12pm. I left the house at 11:55 am, drove to get some coffee with 2 miles to go on my gas range. I got my coffee and felt confident about my car making it to the gallery... which was not what I should've been feeling. My car started to get this bubbly feeling in it while driving, (and because this is not the first time this has happened, I knew it was my gas tank) so, I pulled over, turned the car off, and turned it back on thinking it would get its shit together and get me a couple more blocks up the street to the gallery...but.... that didn't happen. So... I got out, got my shit, and started walking, all the while laughing at myself for being such an idiot about my gas tank, so many times before, and, now.

Tip of the Day: Listen to your car when it says it needs something, or else, it'll leave you walking your ass somewhere. They need attention to.

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