Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 78: Hard Work Pays Off

Today was like any other day... woke up, got dressed, went to Vons, bought Cheesecake, attended a Tupperware party, went to Yoga class, had dinner with the family, and started 175 wedding invitations...
I had a busy day, oh, and I just realized I had told my cousin I'd call her back in an hour. I'm sorry cuz, it was a day full of varied activities... I completely forgot, until right this moment...
With all the things that went on today, the best part was finding a couple of emails in my inbox...
So, we were having dinner with the family, without wine tonight, as I announced that I have three things to tell everybody (I said "3 good news's"). So, my mom being the perky one, started smiling and said, "ok, go on..." with her eyebrows raised, waiting anxiously as she put her fork down and stopped eating. My sister waited quietly, as my dad kept eating, and Armen (my fiance) and his brother looked up from their plates. Then, I said, "okay, so the first good news: I'm was chosen to participate in the Illustration Conference Roadshow in July at the Langham Hotel in Pasadena.." My mom yelled, "yeahhhhh" and started clapping as my sister smiled, and the boys just sat there like I hadn't given them the news yet. I went on, "Ok, the 2nd good news: the property manager of One Colorado from the Open Market in Pasadena last week emailed me today, asking me to work on an ad for One Colorado..." now, my mom was shrieking (freaking me out a bit) my sister smiling bigger, and the my dad kept eating, as the boys just looked at me. "So, the 3rd good news: A gallery in Italy has asked me to submit my artwork for a show they're going to be having in July..." Now, my mom jumped up, and held out her hands for two high fives, my sister looked surprised and happy and said, "See, I told you Italy was calling to us..." (because a couple of days ago she had mentioned wanting to take a trip there with me) My dad kept on eating, as Armen said, "how much fees do you have to pay?" right before everybody else got down on him and his negativity. So, everybody started asking me questions about everything as we finished eating and got up from the table.

So, with all that went on today, that was the best part of the day... it was even better than the actual news. With all the work I've been doing, or trying to do... it's nice to see something come of it.

Tip of the Day: Hard work always pays off, even when you feel like you're about to give up, don't. Just be patient and never stop working for what you want.

A couple of days ago, I was at Baskin Robbins, and I heard an older male customer talking to one of the workers and he said, "When you get to the top, you have to come back down and go back up again." It made me think that there's not really a top to anything, you're always going to try to work yourself up somewhere. Even if you get to the top of a certain place, you're at the bottom of something that you don't know about. So, work hard, try to enjoy it, and you'll find yourself where you want to be someday. Don't set your goals at the top of everything, set them where you'll be happy, and if the top is where you think you'll be happy, then, you might be climbing for a long time, so enjoy your climb!

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