Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 86: Vogue LIFE

People go through bad patches... depending on: the numbers in our bank account, the height of the amount of bills stacked up on our desk, the emails and letters that have or haven't arrived in our mail box, the procrastination that keeps us from doing what needs to get done, the feeling of being unappreciated, the feeling when no one could understand, the feeling of not having enough time, etc. our mood, actions, and feelings are decided. Our level of patience, anxiety, and type of reaction to situations are made up of all these little things in life, that, in the long run, don't matter. These things accumulate and form our daily personality and create our actions in things that do matter in life.
What I mean to say is that we all go through phases in life due to the situations we live in. So, if someone is going through a bad patch and they're not reacting to things as they would normally, try to understand what little things are going on in their life. It's all a matter of who we are, where we come from, and, most importantly, where we want to be that create these little things that make or break us...

Tip of the Day: Life is what you make of it... so, pay attention to your actions, reactions, emotions, and expressions because they make you YOU!

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