Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 249: Pray

Each one us must know someone that is very spiritual. Someone that carries their God around with them every moment of everyday, and says his name every few minutes. Knowing someone like that is overwhelming, at times, because it reminds you of your lack of spirituality. It reminds us of a higher power we tend to forget about in our daily lives.
I've written about God before and I think that we all believe in something that's bigger than us, no matter if we call him God or not. Most of us are aware that there is something bigger and higher than us, and, most of the time, it's more obvious when we're going through rough patches and hard times.
People that carry God around with them everyday speak of his existence and speak to him everyday. They live their lives relying on what their God has planned for them. Some of us depend on ourselves everyday, and, some of us depend on other things in life. Just because we don't say God's name everyday or wake up speaking to him doesn't mean we lack spirituality. Every single person deals with their own spirituality in different ways. One way that most of us connect with our own spirituality is by praying. We sit there and think to ourselves or speak out loud and we ask for something from someone. The obvious way of praying is by putting our hands together and closing our eyes, but praying can be done anytime of any day, anywhere.
Personally, I can't remember the last time I prayed... until today. Today, someone prayed for me. It made me feel like I would be taken care of, somehow. It's hard to explain the feeling of comfort you get when praying. No matter who you believe in, believing that someone higher and bigger than you, and the whole world, is going to take care of you. It makes you feel extraordinary relief.

Tip of the Day: Pray for someone. If you can't think of anyone, pray for yourself... and, if you don't pray, take a couple moments, sometimes, to wish better for you and everyone else. If you don't feel the need now, there will come a time in your life when you'll need the help of something bigger than you, so be aware of your spiritual self. You never know, your prayers might be answered.

1 comment:

  1. Felt really emotional reading your post today. We all believe in this higher power and come to pray when we are at the the darkest place. It does bring you a great amount of relief when you believe somehow you'll get through.
