Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 267: Salad, Chicken, Red Velvet, and Wine...

I sat at another family's dinner table tonight... I observed their ways and manners... I observed their conversations, jokes, and sarcasm with each other... and... I realized that a family's bond is a kind of bond that, not only can never be broken, but is one of the most precious parts of life. Every word spoken and every conversation is an "insider," and it seems that no one else can really get it; no one else can understand the personal stories, expressions, and thoughts.
I sat at another family's dinner table tonight... I was witness to priceless moments... I was given a chance to be apart of something so special... I never thought I could learn so much over some salad, chicken, red velvet cake, and wine.

My gracious thanks to the Tucker family for this great experience, which made it a great night...

Tip of the Day: Invite someone to join in on a family dinner. Help open someone else's eyes to your family's values and give them a chance to be apart of something so special to you. If you are invited to someone's else's family dinner, you'll be surprised how much you can learn over some salad, chicken, a slice of red velvet, and a glass of wine.

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