Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 253: Masterpiece

I always ask for your comments... Well, today, I got one. Following yesterday's post, here is a comment that was posted:
Anonymous said:
"Somehow, she thinks she can pick things out for me... I don't know how she got that idea, but, it's over now. I think she gets it now... hmmmmm!
'I have to say this is the coldest, the heartless statement a parent can hear.'
You know probably when your mom was 8 she had a doll with your name on it. She pampered her doll, dressed her and in her imagination had a wedding for her. Then it was you a baby doll, exactly the way she had in her imagination, I would say maybe more. I don't know how old you are but whatever it is multiply by 365 days, multiply by 24 hours, multiply by 3600 seconds then you will know how many times she wanted to dress you as a masterpiece. Now you answer yourself, does she really, somehow, think she can pick things out for me... "

I have to say, it made me feel a bit of shame... but, I also have to say I appreciate the honesty.

Now, I have to say, "I'm sorry Momma, I didn't mean to be cold and heartless. I love that you want to help me with the most important day of my life, but these reactions and sarcastic comments are apart of my personality and I know you know me well enough to understand why I tend to react that way.
I am 26 years old... 26 times 365, that times 24, and, then, that times 3600 seconds equals too many times you've wanted to dress me and make me your masterpiece. Too many years, months, days, hours, and seconds of imagining me on my wedding day, but I have to say that, me on my wedding day, is not your masterpiece. That's just a small dab of paint compared to the masterpiece you've created of me. You have given me 26 years times 365 days, times 24 hours, times 3600 seconds of life, up until today. You have built me up all this time so that I can impress you one day. On my wedding day, no matter the flower girl or the dress, I am going to impress you of you. On that day, you will be impressed with yourself and the kind of masterpiece you have created. On that day, you are going to be the star of the show. Everyone is going to be there looking at your work. What I plan and pick is just going to be the setup of the show, not the art work on the walls. I may react in cold, heartless ways sometimes, but it all comes from a good place; A good place you have created for me. You know your creation better than anyone else, so I hope, one day, I can reveal your masterpiece to you."

Love Always, Your Masterpiece

Tip of the Day: We are all our parents masterpieces. They know us better than we know ourselves because they have created and built us, so when there are cold, heartless moments, just try to explain to them that those are the small glitches in the painting.

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