Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 271: Turtle Costume

Well, I'm not flying my own plane yet... but, I am trying to...
It's the day before Halloween... This year, I don't have a costume... maybe, I should be a pilot?
I should probably dress up like a turtle before my sister gets home because I think our turtle is lost. I put her out to enjoy the sunshine... and... now... she's gone...
I have looked under every rock and plant in our yard; she digs her hands in the soil and gets under the dirt, which makes the process of looking for her so much harder... but, she is known to wander, so, I hope she shows up when she gets hungry tomorrow morning. Oh, by the way, her name is Turtle. I couldn't figure out a name and we kept calling her turtle, so that's her name. The upside of having a dog as a pet, as oppose to a turtle, is that dogs respond to their names being called... maybe, she doesn't know her name is Turtle? Well, whatever the case, I hope I can find myself a turtle's costume before my sister gets home... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle wouldn't pass, would it?

Tip of the Day: Halloween is the only time you can play dress up, (or the only time you can play dress up in public and it's okay) but don't pass it up, find yourself a costume.

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