Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 261: Gypsy

My mom and I spent a couple of hours together today... It made me realize how little time I usually spend with her. I guess it's normal to take the things you already have for granted, but, realizing that we do take it for granted is the first step.
My mom, being the funny, stubborn woman she is, likes to wear what she likes, no matter how my sister and I feel about her clothing or jewelry. She normally comes into the room and says, "What do you think? Is this okay?" Unfortunately, most of the time, I look at her outfit and say, "Uh, ya, but take off the ______, or change your ______..." Then, she usually responds by saying, "No! I like it!" as she walks away... then, I say, "Then, why do you ask?"
This morning she walked into my room looking for jewelry to put on... I watched her in the mirror, as I was putting my makeup on. She picked up a pair of gold earrings and asked if I'd put them on for her. I turned around and looked at her accessories. She was wearing more jewelry than clothing. I looked at her gold and silver rings, bracelets, and necklace. Now, she wanted me to put on her earrings. I said, "Mom, can you please take the silver stuff off... there's way too much jewelry on you!" She replied, "No, I like it! It's okay... just put these on..." I started to laugh and said, "Mom... you look like a Gypsy... please..." which made her laugh... We both started laughing at her accessories and she kept on saying, "No, I like it... they compliment me on my accessories all the time... it's nice... they like it..." I asked, "Mom, who likes it? It's terrible... trust me... just take it off!" She answered, "The old people... don't worry, you're young... the old people like it... just put it on!" So, I put her earrings on for her as I said, "Ok, ok, wear whatever you want... just be ready in 10 minutes so we can leave." She did end up taking half the jewelry off and we had a very nice lunch together.

Tip of the Day: When you know people well enough to know why they react the way they do, sometimes, just let them be.

With all the things that go on in our daily lives, we tend to forget the simplest parts of life. Watch this video as a reminder:

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